Introducing Differnet Computer Operating System

    2011 the world is walking into the digital age, everything is digital. EBooks, Ipad and Kindle are slowing taking over books.("Ebooks Are taking Over, and That's Okay.") A lot of work that was done by human, now we are using computer to do the job for us. Most of the people now have some experience using a computer. Either for work, entertainment, not talking, e-mail, or just browsing the web, compter can do all kinds of stuff for us However, does anyone bother knowing the history of the computer or the reature of the computer operating system? The answer will most likely be no. The is why I think exploring the history of the computer operating system is important to us. For my 14 days project, I am planning on doing research on different computer operating system.
     When I was little I thought every computer is running under Microsoft, until I came to America and saw the Apple computer. However, before I did the research on different opearting system, I thought there are only Mac and Windows, and I believe a lot of people think the same way. During this 14 day, I am going to introduce different computer operating system, and it's history. Finally, I am going to make a comparsion between all the operating system that had been introduced, and talk about the advantage and disadvantage from using certain brand of operating system.